find a Hotel in Boulogne Billancourt


Boulogne Billancourt is a town in the west of Paris
separated from the French capital by the Bois de Boulogne.

The city is part of the departement Hauts de Seine (92)
in the region Ile de France.

Boulogne is the .seat
of the car manufacturer Renault.
For decades Renault dominated
the life of the city.

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Rent Appartments from Boulogne

Boulogne Billancourt is also known for
Albert Kahn Museum, Annes 30 Museum
Paul Belmondo Museum

Books about Boulogne Billancourt
in French and English

Rent cars in Boulogne Billancourt
Hertz has a nearby car rental agency
2 avenue de la Porte Saint Cloud
75016 Paris
+33 1 46 51 12 31

Hertz logo 125x125

To find people of companies
from Boulogne Billancourt
please go to
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View on Boulogne Billancourt, photo by Guilhem Vellut